Semix with IITB

SemiX (IITB) and Synopsys

are delighted to announce a 5-day certification course on 28nm CMOS Device & Process Technology, powered by Synopsys TCAD. This course is centered on the process and devices of the 28nm technology node. This course would offer an excellent opportunity for engineers employed in the semiconductor industry, process/plasma engineers, digital/ analog/ layout/ CAD engineers as well as job seekers (engineering, diploma students, and professionals). This online course directly addresses the need for semiconductor workforce development in India hosted by the Synopsys Semiconductor Lab for Virtual Solutions at IIT Bombay. Participants can anticipate extensive hands-on learning experiences and the opportunity to tackle real-world device and process physics challenges.

Date: June 17th to 21st, 2024.

Time: 5:00 pm - 8:30 pm.

Last date: 15th May 2024

Semiconductor Education Roadmap:

SemiX plans to offer online and offline courses with hands-on learning on semiconductors with graded levels of advancement (requiring higher aptitude) to create a pipeline of learning and education for students and professionals outside of IIT Bombay curricular activities.

1)  Advantage in Next Level Courses: As advanced hands-on lab courses have limited seats due to infrastructure constraints, the performance in SemiX online (and offline) courses may be used among other considerations to prioritize applicants based on merit and aptitude for the next level courses.

2) Advantage in Jobs and Internships: The SemiX partner companies (listed below) will use the performance in this course (if available to potential applicants) as a consideration (among others) for the assessment of suitability for future jobs & internships.

Steps for Enrollment: